Medical Negligence 3

Medical Negligence 3

With Britain bring placed in the grip of a freezing winter, the NHS is increasingly struggling to provide the appropriate care for the deluge of patients coming through the doors of accident and emergency. Elderly people are freezing in their homes, whilst slips, trip and falls are more common in icy conditions. In environments where these accidents could be avoided, personal injury claims are on the rise. Additionally, a medical negligence claim can be instigated in cases where patients have not been correctly protected while they are receiving medical care. Whether it is a medical negligence claim or a personal injury claim, it is always best to get the support and guidance of a trained solicitor.

What Is A Medical Negligence Claim?

In addition to winter-related medical negligence claims, there are a number of other medical negligence claims that are commonly made. These include:

  • Care home and nursing home negligence claims
  • Cosmetic surgery negligence claims
  • Surgical negligence claims
  • Pregnancy and birth negligence claims
  • Amputation claims
  • Gynaecological negligence claims
  • Dental negligence claims
  • A&E negligence claims

However, this list is not exhaustive, and there are a number of different reasons that you may be able to make a medical negligence claim.

What Is The Medical Negligence Claims Process?

The medical negligence claims process is based on a set of rules that are known as the 4 D’s of medical malpractice. These rules are known as:

  • Duty

During medical training, all doctors are taught what the duty of care is that they must provide to their parents.

  • Direct Cause

In order for a medical malpractice claim to be filed, you must be able to prove that it was the direct fault of a medical professional.

  • Derelict

Dereliction is the official term for when a medical professional is considered to have broken this duty of care.

  • Damages

The medical negligence payout that you could earn will be calculated based on the physical injury and the psychological injury, as well as any medical or travel expenses.

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Do I Need Personal Injury Solicitors?

If you have suffered an injuryyou will need the help of personal injury solicitors. By definition, a personal injury is the legal term for an injury to the body or mind, as opposed to an injury to someone’s property. Other common personal injury claims that experienced solicitors deal with include:

  • Road traffic accidents
  • Work accidents
  • Tripping accidents
  • Assault claims
  • Product defect accidents (product liability)

The term personal injury also incorporates medical and dental accidents, which may lead to the separate type of claim – a medical negligence claim.

Whether you need to pursue a personal injury claim or a medical negligence claim, it is always a good idea to get the professional support of a solicitor to guide you through the process of making a claim. It can be an important part of recovery to get the compensation that you need, so enquiring about a personal injury or medical negligence claim is always worth it.

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